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The Pursuit of Happiness

       from vision to reality...       

I’ve been a Practicing Physician for 19 years.


 In that time, I have finally faced the reality that we are mortal creatures.  No matter what gets transformed, fixed, or worked on, this life of ours is a fleeting ride of both joy and suffering.  If we can’t live forever,  we are left with the quandary of seeking meaning and purpose in our lives.  We are left to figure out our path and to gain clarity on what is important to us as individuals.   What is most important for me are intimate bonds with other like minded individuals, being at peace and free of anxiety in any environment, and frankly, just feeling very comfortable without endless "body shots" or ailments.   This desire has led me on a journey of physical wellness and extreme fitness,  but I found the skin ailments to be trickier than the body ailments.  They don’t always respond to hard work, and they sometimes get worse despite increasing efforts and motivation. 


             If you consider the bigger picture of the downward spiral,  skin ailments pose a major health risk as they have the power to destroy close relationships, ambitions, and the moment to moment joy of any activity.  Over time,  the cumulative effect of not being able to “live in the moment” compounds into a post-traumatic emotional storm I often refer to as “cancer of the soul”.    


    Any medical condition that has the power to rapidly turn an extrovert into a saddened introvert is, in my opinion, a serious medical situation.   And that’s how I view the skin ailments,  always considering the bigger picture of the downward spiral verses the upward spiral.  Always conscious of how forced social withdrawal has an enormous impact that effects us all as a society.    


-Neal Schwartz D.O.





"The Upward Spiral"
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