Hi Acne Practice Family,
After three years of breaking even and keeping the hobby afloat, I'm sorry to say we have to close down the product portion of the practice today. Not enough growth and action to keep my assistant/brother in business. I know this is scary for us all as we get accustomed to products that work and its a bummer when we have to make changes.
Here's the actions moving forward to keep everyone safe:
1) If you have bought products in the last year, feel free to email me with any skin challenges for free and we'll use the phone also if we get stuck.
2) We are likely going to sell the remaining inventory in bulk without all the bells and whistles. Please contact me at theacnepractice@gmail.com to possibly set up a bulk order of your favorite product.
3) I'll be looking for ideas from the market to see what is reasonably priced, gentle, and decent for removing oil and exfoliating. I'll let you know what's out there these days.
4) As a doctor who has passionately devoted 20 years to this annoying chronic ailment, I will remain available to help those still suffering and failing the standard approaches. Recent clients can contact me for free for now and new clients can email me at theacnepractice@gmail.com to set up a reasonably priced phone conversation.
In Closing,
I would like to say this has been an emotional journey. We often chase dreams based on our own personal suffering and with the skin, there's a lot of frustration and suffering to go around. I feel blessed to have joined you on your journey to healing and feel grateful for all those who were passionate enough to share their testimonial story. I'm still here for the ongoing work on ourselves and who knows what the next chapter will bring.
Talk soon, Love you all,
-Dr. Neal Schwartz
Stay in Touch! IG: drnealsworld

This is my brother Mike who has been passionately helping you along your journey to healing. He has been devoted to each of you and has energetically given his all to ensure you were always taken care of.

Here's a tribute to all that have given their stories to generate real world hope with a stubborn ailment: https://www.youtube.com/@AcnePractice/featured